Display # 
Name Team Position Phone
Ventéo Stéphanie Somesthesia/Development. Neural differentiation and connectivity in the somatosensory system. Research Engineer, Platforms coordinator +33 4 99 63 60 41
Vialaret Jérôme Proteinopathies/Neuroproteomics and biomarkers Research Engineer +33 4 67 33 71 73
Viel Eric Somesthesia Professor/Medical Doctor +33 4 66 68 68 86
Vignon Anaïs Proteinopathies/Roles of pollutants PhD student +33 4 99 63 60 65
Vincent Thierry Motoneuron/Extrinsic mechanisms of motoneuron degeneration/Clinical and genetic aspects of neuroinfl Professor
Wang Jing Hearing/Sensory loss and repair Senior Researcher +33 4 99 63 60 48 / 61 52
Willems Marjolaine Eye/Cornea PhD Student, MD